a collection of (easy) protest songs for the ukulele
The Times They Are A-Changin’
The Times They Are A-Changin'Bob DylanCome Cgather 'round Ampeople wherFever you CroamAnd adCmit that the Amwaters aFround you have GgrownAnd Caccept it that Amsoon you'll be Fdrenched to the CboneIf your Ctime to Dmyou is worth Gsavin'So you Gbetter start Fswimming or you'll Csink like a GstoneFor the Ctimes, Fthey are a-Gchang - Cin'Come Cwriters and Amcritics whoFprophecise with your CpenAnd Ckeep your eyes Amwide the chanceFwon't come aGgainAnd Cdon't speak too Amsoon for theFwheel's still in CspinAnd there's Cno tellin'Dmwho that it's Gnamin'For the GloserFnow will be Clater to GwinFor the Ctimes, Fthey are a-Gchang - Cin'Come Csenators AmcongressmenFplease heed the CcallDon'tCstand in the Amdoorway don'tFblock up theGhallForChe that gets Amhurt will beFhe who has CstalledThere's a Cbattle outDmside and it's Gragin'It'llGsoon shake yourFwindows andCrattle yourGwallsFor the Ctimes, Fthey are a-Gchang - Cin'Come Cmothers and AmfathersFthroughout the ClandAnd Cdon't critiAmcize what youFdon't underGstandYour Csons and your Amdaughters are beFyond your comCmandYourCold road is Dmrapidly Gagin'Please getGout of theFnew one if youCcan't lend a Ghand
For the Ctimes, Fthey are a-Gchang - Cin'
The Cline it is Amdrawn theFcurse it isCcastThe Cslow one Amnow willFlater beGfastAs the Cpresent Amnow will Flater be CpastThe Corder is Dmrapidly Gfadin'And the Gfirst oneFnow willClater be Glast
For the Ctimes, Fthey are a-Gchang - Cin'