We Shall Overcome

Pete Seeger, from Reverend Charles Tindley of Philadelphia

CWe shall FoverCcome
CWe shall FoverCcome
CWe shall FoverCcome Dsome G7day

Oh,Cdeep Fin my Cheart
FI G7do beAmlieve
CWe shall FoverCcome G7some Cday

CWe’ll walk Fhand in Chand
CWe’ll walk Fhand in Chand
CWe’ll walk Fhand in Chand Dsome G7day

Oh,Cdeep Fin my Cheart
FI G7do beAmlieve
CWe shall FoverCcome G7some Cday

CWe shall Fall be Cfree
CWe shall Fall be Cfree
CWe shall Fall be Cfree Dsome G7day

Oh,Cdeep Fin my Cheart
FI G7do beAmlieve
CWe shall FoverCcome G7some Cday

CWe are Fnot aCfraid
CWe are Fnot aCfraid
CWe are Fnot aCfraid Dsome G7day

Oh,Cdeep Fin my Cheart
FI G7do beAmlieve
CWe shall FoverCcome G7some Cday

CWe are Fnot aClone
CWe are Fnot aClone
CWe are Fnot aCloneDsome G7day

Oh,Cdeep Fin my Cheart
FI G7do beAmlieve
CWe shall FoverCcome G7some Cday>

Mississippi Goddam

Mississippi Goddam – Nina Simone

GAlabama’s gotten me so upset

GTennessee made meAmlose my Drest

And Amevery-Bmbody Cknows a-Dbout EmMississAmippi



G7Can’t you see it, Can’t you feel it

CIt’s all in the air

A7I can’t stand the pressure much longer

DSomebody say a prayer


GAlabama’s gotten me so upset

GTennessee made meAmlose my Drest

And Amevery-Bmbody Cknows a-Dbout EmMississAmippi



EmHound dogs on my trail,

EmSchool children sitting in jail

C7Black cat cross Bmy path

EmI think every day’s gonna C7be my Emlast


EmLord have mercy on this land of mine

EmWe all gonna get it in due time

C7I don’t belong here, BI don’t belong there

EmI’ve even stopped beC7lieving in Emprayer


EmDon’t tell me, I’ll tell you

EmMe and my people just about due

C7I’ve been there Bso I know

EmThey keep on saying ‘Go slow!’


EmBut that’s just the trouble (‘Do it slow’)

EmWashing the windows (‘Do it slow’)

AmPicking the cotton (‘Do it slow’)

EmYou’re just plain rotten (‘Do it slow’)

F#You’re too damn lazy (‘Do it slow’)

C7The thinking’s crazy B(‘Do it slow’)

C7Where am I Bgoing , GWhat am I Adoing

AmI don’t know , DI don’t know


GJust try to do your very best

GStand up be Amcounted with Dall the rest

And Amevery-Bmbody Cknows a-Dbout EmMississAmippi



EmPicket lines, School boy cots

EmThey try to say it’s a communist plot

C7All I want is Bequality

EmFor my sister my brother C7my people Emand me


EmYes you lied to me all these years

EmYou told me to wash and clean my ears

C7And talk real fine Bjust like a lady

EmAnd you’d stop calling me Sister Sadie


EmMy country is full of lies

EmYou’re all gonna die and die like flies

C7I don’t trust you Bany more

EmYou keep on saying ‘Go slow!’


EmBut that’s just the trouble (‘Too slow’)

EmDesegregation (‘Too slow’)

AmMass participation (‘Too slow’)

EmReunification (‘Too slow’)

F#Do things gradually (‘Too slow’)

C7Will bring more B tragedy (‘Too slow’)

C7Why don’t youB see it , Gwhy don’t you Afeel it

AmI don’t know , DI don’t know


GYou don’t have to live next to me

GJust give me my AmequaAmlity

AmAnd Amevery-BbodyCknows D a-bout EmMississAmippi

AmAnd Amevery-BbodyCknows D a-bout EmAlaAmbama

AmAnd Amevery-BbodyCknows D a-bout EmMississ-Amippi
